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Cancellation and other urgent notices are sent to parents and staff by phone, email and text message using our ParentSquare. School cancellations and delays are usually sent before 6AM.
No one doubts the difficulty of predicting the weather in New England. There are many factors that influence decisions to close: when will the storm arrive, how will our high school student drivers fare in snowy conditions, are the school buses able to move about the community safely, is the public works department able to clear and treat streets and sidewalks, and is the custodial staff able to clear the sidewalks, roadways, and school entrances?
For the most part, decisions will be made in the early morning after receiving data from the National Weather Bureau, listening to local broadcasters and reviewing forecasts. I also speak with area Superintendents to determine their thinking on conditions. This is especially important given the nine districts that send students to the CRTC. As a rule, I will work with Terry Crotty, Director of Transportation, who confers with the Concord Police Department as well as Public Works to determine specific conditions in the city. We will make a decision by 5:30 a.m. whether we have a 2-hour delay or closing for the day. There may also be times when we feel it is best to have an early release from school; that decision will be made by 11:00 a.m. Early releases are very disruptive to families and I avoid them as much as possible.
Once the decision is made, the district will send a message via Parent Square, using a phone call, text message and email. We will also notify WMUR-TV. It is important to update your contact information to insure you receive school messages.
Safety is and will always be the number one priority in the district. We want to make sure our bus riders, drivers, walkers, and staff are arriving to school safely. Families always have the option to send their child to school or to keep them home for the day.
Many have asked whether the district will use “remote learning” on the no-school days due to inclement weather. Considerations of the availability of devices, internet service and the impact of power outages will play into the use of remote instruction.
As we continue with preparations for the winter season, please be assured that we will continue to do all we can to ensure the safe arrival and departure of our students and staff each day.